Our culture has largely lost the concept of biblical love. I remember wondering a few years ago how Jesus could command me to love another person.
A Word from Bro. Dale – 10/15/2023
Well, it is almost November. This year is passing so fast. It seems like only yesterday it was January.
A Word from Bro. Dale – 7/26/2023
July is almost over, and it has been such an exciting month. I know it has been a little while since I last wrote you, but so many things have happened both in our little church and the world.
A Word from Bro. Dale – 5/1/2023
May our Lord bless you this week and keep you and your family safe. Yesterday we observed the Lord's Supper, may we never forget what Jesus did for us. I owed a debt I could not pay, He paid a debt, He did not owe.
A Word from Bro. Dale – 4-20-2023
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