“So I tell you, whatever you ask for in prayer, believe that you have received it, and it will be yours.” There’s immense power in the prayer of a righteous Christian.
Forgiveness of Others – Bible Study Notes
Matthew 6 does not teach that our eternal destiny is based on our forgiving other people
A Word From Bro Dale – 01/19/2024
On January 13, we had our first monthly men’s meeting. We had a big pot of stew and several types of cornbread. I quite enjoyed the fellowship and think it went well.
What Are Angels, and How Should Christians Think about Them?
While God’s word does not offer us a detailed description of how and when God made the angels, or of what exactly they look like, we can nevertheless gather truths and principles from various Scripture passages that teach us about these beings that are in eternal service of God.
What Is Justification by Works, and Why Do We Reject It?
The apostle Paul emphasizes that we are not justified by “works” or by the “works of the law,” and the question before us is what Paul means when he speaks this way. Paul emphasizes that we don’t receive the Spirit and we aren’t justified by the works of the law