Is the War in Israel a Sign of the End Times?

Is the War in Israel a Sign of the End Times?

As Christians, we should take this time to be intentional with sharing the gospel with those around us; we should continue to cultivate our own relationships with God and be diligent in prayer. This is not a time to fear; it is a time to live the life God has called us to live. Not even the Son knows the exact time He will return to Earth, but we can still be aware of these incredible prophecies coming to pass.

7 Bible Verses About the Power of Prayer

7 Bible Verses About the Power of Prayer

Prayer is an integral part of Christian living because praying is our way of communicating with God. We call upon God every time we pray, as stated in Matthew 6:9: "This, then, is how you should pray: 'Our Father in heaven, hallowed be your name.'" By praying to God every day to ask for His help and forgiveness, we get closer to Him.

What Is the Significance of Fatherhood in the Bible?

What Is the Significance of Fatherhood in the Bible?

When you think of the significance of fatherhood in the Bible, our greatest example is our heavenly Father. For some, relating to God as Father can be difficult because you may tie it to your relationship with your earthly father. Regardless of your relationship with your earthly father or the kind of father you have been, there is hope. You have a model which you can always refer to in God, our Father.

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