Hello, Abner Baptist Church,
I am sending out this email tonight to let everyone know that I am trying to implement an email-based church newsletter. It just makes sense these days with all the smartphones and computers out there. The problem I am having is that when I have tried to send these emails out in the past, no one ever seems to get them.
So, I have an assignment for everyone if you are up to the task.
I need everyone who receives this email to go to the new Abner Baptist Church website https://www.abner-baptist.org, and on the front page, there is a section that says, “Subscribe to the Newsletter.”
Please fill out that form with your name and email address. I will take it from there, and you will receive the new digital newsletter. I think you will enjoy it.
Subscribe to the new Abner Baptist Church Newsletter. It is chock full of information with multiple articles, current events at the church, A word from Bro Dale, and much more. It is a ton of content for the low price of just…
0 dollars and 0 cents.
Hope to see you all on the interwebs.
Be Blessed,
Tony DeGonia
Technology Director
Abner Baptist Church
p: 469 969 9422
e: [email protected]
w: https://www.abner-baptist.org