A Word from Bro. Dale – 10/15/2023

Hello, Abner Baptist Church

Well, it is almost November. This year is passing so fast. It seems like only yesterday it was January.

Our plans for this year may or may not have been accomplished. What plans have you made for the Lord or eternity? Too many times, we think about salvation, but some say I will accept the Lord tomorrow. The Bible says today is the day of our Lord.

He says, “In the time of my favor, I heard you, and in the day of salvation, I helped you. I tell you, now is the time of God’s favor. Now is the day of salvation.” – 2 Corinthians 6:1

Today is the best time to ask Jesus into your heart. Salvation is closer than you think.

November is a time of thanksgiving, a time when families come together. We think about how we have been blessed all year. It is also a time to thank the Lord for all he has done for us.

A roof over our heads.
Food on our tables.
The family we have.
The loved ones we have in our lives.

Jesus has healed our bodies from surgery from sickness. Some may say I am still sick. Maybe God is still working on you for His Glory. I may not have the answers to why some are not healed yet, but I do know God is still in control.

God has said, “Never will I leave you; never will I forsake you.” Hebrews 13:5.

“Fear not, for I am with you” – Isaiah 41:10

Please pray for Israel. Pray for those who were hurt, killed, and emotionally scarred from the attacks by evil. Pray for God to be with Israel and protect them. Pray for God to protect the innocent Palestinians and Gazans who may be caught in the crossfire. Pray that the evil that attacked Israel may be snuffed from this earth and cast into the lake of fire.

Pray for our nation, our government, our military, and our first responders.

Please, let us pray for revival in our country. Pray that the people of our country may turn back to God.

Brother Dale