Scripture References:

  • Matthew 3:13-17 (Jesus’ Baptism)
  • Matthew 28:19-20 (The Great Commission)
  • Romans 6:3-5 (Paul’s description)

Basic Beliefs

  • Baptism does not save you.
  • It is an outward expression of faith.
  • Sacrament vs. ordinance
    • A sacrament is a means of God’s grace
    • An ordinance is a practice that demonstrates a person’s faith.
    • Baptists see baptism and the Lord’s Supper as ordinances.
  • Baptism by immersion
    • The believer is fully dunked under the water.
    • The Greek word baptizo is used throughout the New Testament. It is understood to mean “immerse” and thus we baptize by immersion.
    • Romans 6:3-5 shows that baptism is a symbolic rehearsal of Christ’s own death and resurrection, but also the death of the old sinner and the rebirth and promised resurrection of the new person that each one who is baptized has become in Christ.
  • No infant baptism
    • Scripture never specifically mentions the baptism of the very young.
    • The Great Commission implies a proper order.
    • Baptists traditionally prefer baby dedications where the parents and church promise to help raise the child in Christian practices and teach them Biblical truth.