Hello, Abner Baptist Church 

July is almost over, and it has been such an exciting month. I know it has been a little while since I last wrote you, but so many things have happened both in our little church and the world.

Summer is always hard on churches with so many activities, vacation trips, and kids getting ready for school. Family get-togethers and so many memories to make. Please don’t forget that the members of your church home miss you, as do I when you are not with us.

As Christians, we are called to be an example for those who are just starting out or perhaps a bit less mature in Christ. When you miss and don’t attend church, your children and those whom you set an example for see it.

We must teach them that going to church is of the utmost importance. So, when they become more mature in Christ, perhaps an example for their own people, they will lead by the example that they were given.

Those of us who are older can’t understand why they don’t go to church. Our children and the people whom we lead through example reflect… US!

We really need to do better about attending as we are trying to grow our little church, and it takes each member of the body to be here on Sunday, as our time to gather is very limited.

Hebrew 10:25 says, “Not forsaking the assembling of ourselves together, as the manner of some is but exhorting one another: and so much the more, as ye see the day approaching.”

Listen, Abner Baptist Church family… This world needs Christ more than it ever has before. There is evil at every turn. From the heights of our government to our most trusted institutions, lying, deceitfulness, hatred, and immorality is the world’s standard.

But Christ calls us to assemble so that we may exhort and encourage each other with love and understanding. That we may lift each other up, pray, and live under the protection of God. Please do not forsake the assembling together; not attending can cause your heart to harden from the effects of exposure to sin. But the assembling of believers softens hearts and builds love within the believers. Exposure to Christ’s word causes us to yearn to seek Him.

Where will you be when Jesus comes back? 

Yours in Christ,

Brother Dale