A Word from Bro. Dale – 5/1/2023

Good morning Abner Baptist Church

May our Lord bless you this week and keep you and your family safe. Yesterday we observed the Lord’s Supper, may we never forget what Jesus did for us. I owed a debt I could not pay, He paid a debt, He did not owe.

“ For God so loved the world He gave His only begotten Son, that who so ever believed in Him should not perish”. – John 3:16  

Please be in prayer for the following:

The Johnny Wortham family, and Bettie Florer family both were very dear friends of mine, who have gone home to be with our Lord.

Our Country – the greatest country to ever exist in the history of the world. Pray for GOD to lead us back to HIM.

Our Government – those who know what is right would stand up and fight for righteousness over outright sin and evil.

Our First Responders would be protected with a hedge of protection, and God’s heavenly hosts would be standing by to protect them from evil men as they go about saving lives.

Our Police Officers – they would have the courage and discernment to carry out their duties of serving and protecting our communities daily. That GOD would also put a hedge of protection around them so that each one can make it home after their shift.

and finally

Our Military – who deploy to foreign lands, protecting our freedom and keeping the evil that would do us harm at bay.

Please pray for Our Church as we grow that God will guide us in the way he wants us to go and send us new visitors, members, and, just as importantly, leaders. People who are strong in the faith to help us grow new Christians and sow the harvest that we are working to plant now.

Remember ABR (Always Be Ready) is our motto as we work to grow Abner Baptist Church.

May you have a blessed day and experience God’s love and peace.

 Brother Dale