A Word from Bro. Dale – 4-20-2023

Welcome to the Abner Baptist Church Member’s Page. 

This is a unique page compared to the rest of the site because this is showing how the real work gets done. On this page, you will find different links to parts of the website that are not public. We ask that you not make the content in this area public, as we take privacy seriously. We will have access to prayer requests, contact requests, and other information. We believe that it takes the entire body to function, and that is why we are giving the entire body of the church access to these sensitive items. We also ask that you treat all requests, prayers, and other communications via the website with love. We will be building prayer lists as the website takes off in popularity. Below is a road map of what we dream of making happen to see the church grow and bring more people to the knowledge and saving grace of Jesus Christ.

Road map:

  • Social Media Marketing to gain attention to the web properties.
  • Develop training for members (new and old) on how to witness and develop those who need a church home.
  • Develop children’s programs such as AWANA and others to create a fun and safe place for the community’s youth.
  • Develop a children’s area on the website with games and educational pieces that are Christ-centered.
  • Develop prayer teams to handle the increasing number of prayer requests coming into the site.
  • Develop a small group program to promote fellowship amongst the tenured members, new members, and visitors to build strength in the body.

Understand, these may seem like a lot of changes coming at everyone very quickly however, one thing is evident. God blesses what is ready to be gifted. We want the blessing of growth in our church. Therefore, we must prepare to receive those blessings.

Also, understand… These are the blessings that we want for the church. We are doing these things to be prepared, not sure exactly what God has planned for us. There will be changes and deviations to our plan as God has a perfect plan for his church. These plans will show God we have a heart for change and a longing to do his will. If we will show HIM that we are not lukewarm to HIS mission for our little church. We know that GOD does the planning, and we do the preparation.

I invite you to read this article on the Brewster Baptist Church website titled “The Importance of Being Prepared.”

One of the most important messages I took from the article (sermon) was simply this… We don’t plan the future. Much of what happens to us is beyond our control. What we can do is prepare to deal with it when it rolls in.

I pray that all who read this will be blessed and that this longing to grow our little church to touch the hearts and see souls saved in our little community will start a raging inferno in their hearts for this work. God will bless it, we just need to be ready for HIM to lead and direct us.

Thank you for taking the time to read this and I look forward to seeing you soon.

Bro. Dale